I tried Crystal Infinity: Bleaching Scrub for 7 days! Is it a Buy or a Bye?
Crystal Infinity: Bleaching Scrub Review Is it really effective? This locally produce Scrub and Bleach claims to see result in 7 days try. Here's a new Review and impression on this product. Crystal Infinity: Bleaching Scrub Review NOTE : I Can assure you that I'am noway paid for my Reviews and have not altered any Of the photos for the before and after pictures. INTRODUCTION : So im been doing skin whitening for the face and now im down to my body. I was introduce to this product when I inquired some prices of Lily products in our Local market in Guadalupe ( Tulay ) Mall. That small store have all sorts of online product and i was really psych. I firs saw this product in Shopee and claims to whiten in 7 freaking days!!! So here I'am as the inner enthusiast of beauty products was super sold to the idea. DOES IT REALLY WHITEN? HMMMM....... on with the review! PRODUCT PREVIEW : INSIDE Where to Buy : Bought mine in a Loca